Wednesday, 11 August 2004

spaced out

Our new bed is fantastic. It's so roomy and comfortable, and I woke up in the morning feeling slightly surprised that there was another person next to me. Oh yes, you sleep here too - hello! I'll meet you in the middle. Bring tea.

Cheeky little doggy Jasper decided to leap up on to the new bed this morning (we wondered if it was too high compared to our old bed - mystery solved). Although there is plenty of room for Jasper and all of his fully grown 6 brothers and sisters, it could really do without the dog hair.

Not much else to say, really. I'll leave you with this culinary thought: if you want to make a creamy pasta sauce without all the fat and calories of cream (mmmmmm cream), use light soft cheese/cream cheese instead. I've been doing this for ages, but some Italian guy ripped off my idea and demonstrated it on a cooking show yesterday. Bah. Egg yolks also work well to thicken sauces, like for macaroni and cheese (add grated cheese, a bit of milk, and an egg yolk to drained macaroni and heat through). Thank you, have a splendid day.

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