Friday 13 August 2004

our little star of the screen

Presenting, Pip!

I promise you, that is actually a baby (a second scan pic is on my main blog site). Pip was very quiet for the entire scan, moving only when I was asked to cough (I thought only men did that in exams). The baby was snuggled into a little space in my womb, and taking after its mother, really couldn't bother to be entertaining at 8.20 in the morning. The lovely ultrasound lady first told us that there was only one baby in there, and then pointed out the heartbeat. That's when I burst into tears that didn't stop flowing for the duration of the scan. Pip has two arms and two legs, is measuring 13 weeks and 1 day (I should be 12 weeks and 2 days, so I'm building one big kid), and was kind enough to give us a bit of a wave. Lovely ultrasound lady gave us two scan images (we only asked for one) and spent a lot more time making sure all was well than I think most do at the first scan.

We're so relieved and it's really nice to finally be able to go "public". Now I think I can just enjoy being pregnant. Well done, little Pip.

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