Thursday 26 May 2005

what's in a name?

Speaking of names (which I was in my last post - I make sense sometimes), we are currently organising Jack's baby naming ceremony. "What the hell kind of hippydippy nonsense is that?", I hear you ask. It's like a nondenominational christening, if that makes any sense. We all know that the "thing to do" is to take your baby to a church of your choice and make all sorts of promises with regards to your child's religious upbringing. That's great if you actually attend church, otherwise, I think it's hypocritical (and offensive to those who follow that religion) to baptise your baby with no intentions of following through any of the promises. So, for us heathens, there are baby naming ceremonies.

We are holding it at the hotel where we got married last year, and the ceremony will be performed by the same registry office that did our wedding ceremony. See, everything comes full circle. Neat, eh? During the ceremony, Paul and I will make promises to Jack (and I'll try not to cry), explain how we came up with his name (while I make another feeble attempt not to cry), name his "stand in parents", and pick a reading that someone else will have to do because I'll cry if I do it myself. This will be followed by an afternoon tea (I say, how terribly British) and general merriment. It's being held the day before Jack's 6 month birthday, and I'm so looking forward to it.

Hopefully Jack won't start teething that weekend because then I won't be the only one in tears.

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