Yay!: The Rosie (the maternity ward of Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge) are doing another scan teaching session next week - you can volunteer to get scanned by a doctor who is training other doctors on ultrasounds.
Boo!: You can only participate if you're a maximum of 34 weeks pregnant.
Yay!: I put the bear Stikarounds up on the walls and they look very sweet.
Boo!: Still haven't put together that chest of drawers yet, so nursery pictures are still pending.
Yay!: Antenatal yoga classes are starting up again now.
Boo!: They need three more people to sign up, or else the course won't go ahead. This happened last October as well. Feh.
Yay!: We don't have to attend the half day parentcraft class to get the hospital tour; we can simply show up for the tour at the end of the class.
Boo!: There is no "boo" about this one - yippie, we don't have to sit through a lecture about stuff we already know for four hours!!
Yay!: I have discovered the joy and comfort of sitting on an exercise ball (get yours now at Argos - £6.99 for the 65cm Reebok exercise ball!). It really does force you to sit up straight and it's great for my back.
Boo!: I feel like a bit of a dork when I sit on it and it makes a lot of rude noises when I move around.
Yay!: My appetite has returned!
Boo!: But that doesn't mean that I can eat a small pepperoni pizza for supper after a dim sum lunch and not feel like shite at 1.30 in the morning.
Yay!: 9 1/2 more working days to go!
Boo!: 9 1/2 more working days to go.
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