Sunday, 24 April 2005

time, she is flying

Two months?! Jack is now just over two months old?! Have I been blacking out for several days at a time? Where on earth has two months gone? Jack has now lost his puffy-eyed, grumpy old man newborn look and spends most of his waking time smiling and babbling away to whoever will listen and respond. His big curious eyes (which I'm sure are starting to go brown) follow me wherever I go, as he sticks his fist into his mouth and chews away happily. I am amazed by this little boy every single day, and fascinated by his every move. Hopefully he won't get a complex from being constantly stared at and photographed.

My parents have been here since Wednesday, spoiling Jack rotten. They showed up with a suitcase full of presents for Jack (and imported fine foods for me, such as Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn) and he barely gets put down when they are here. They keep offering to babysit and let us have some "freedom", but we can't think of things we want to/can't do without him. We did take them up on this on Friday as an early Canadian Mother's Day treat - my parents offered to look after Jack and pay for our dinner. We had a lovely meal at the Old Bridge Hotel (where we got married), and surprisingly didn't spend the entire time talking about Jack or worrying about how he was.

It's strange to be without him and to be honest, I don't really feel the need to be on our own. I'm sure that eventually we will be looking forward to child-free time, but at the moment, I love being with my son. I'm not looking for freedom quite yet (although the idea of swapping with Mom and Dad and staying in their hotel room for a decent night's sleep is really appealing). What's been a real treat is being able to pass Jack over to my parents for cuddles while I get things done - or even better, being able to relax with Jack when my parents lend a helping hand around the house. The type of break I need isn't necessarily away from Jack, it's from the day-to-day chores that make me too exhausted to appreciate my time with him.

Ah, which reminds me, I have decided to get someone in to clean the house once a week as soon as I return to work. This raising a child and doing housework malarky ain't for us old broads with dodgy hands and backs.

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