Friday, 29 April 2005

out and about

Yesterday, Paul, Jack and I drove down to our Chalfont office. Paul was there for work-related reasons, and I was there to catch up on the gossip and introduce Jack to my workmates. Jack got lots of cuddles and attention from Auntie Sarah P, Auntie Sinead, Auntie Emma, and Auntie Sarah C. He was grinned at by several uncles (although they don't tend to be as keen to cuddle as the aunties), and enjoyed his second pub lunch. It was really fantastic to see everyone and every time I visit, I leave wishing that my Chalfont girly friends lived closer to us.

It's a beautiful day today, all sunshine and warmth and feeling like summer might actually happen this year. Jack and I went to Tesco this morning (and may I just say that people who park in the mother/child spaces who don't have children are utter dickheads), visited our local butcher (who knows us by name, always remembers what we last bought, and asks how it was), and then took a nice long stroll with Jasper after lunch. The sidewalks (or "pavements" as my UK friends like to say) in my village are very narrow, which makes walking a dog and pushing a large buggy rather challenging - especially when someone else is coming towards you and needs to get by. Needless to say, I'm very grateful that Jasper is well trained and can walk to heel in narrow spaces.

So with the sun shining down on us, a gin and tonic is on the agenda this evening. I have been eagerly awaiting this year's first meal out in the garden, putting the fairy lights on when it starts to get dark, and sipping cocktails. Have a good bank holiday weekend, and if Monday isn't a holiday wherever you live, call in sick and tell them Lisa said it's okay.

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