Sunday, 27 February 2005


I promise to post my long and winding tale of failed induction, surgery, and birth very soon. I actually wrote quite a few notes while in hospital using something old people call "pen and paper". It was weird; I couldn't find the spell checker. Anyway, I will put something together shortly, promise.

Life at home is splendid and Jack is doing really well. We're amazed, thrilled, awestruck, shellshocked, and completely head over heels in love with him. My recovery is going fairly well, although I can't even manage lengthy phone conversations without needing to take a rest. I need to take it very, very easy over the next little while; partially to get over the c-section, and also to get my head round the fact that I'm not going through all the drama at the hospital anymore. It's a bit like having jet lag and a touch of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at the same time - I have no idea what time/day it is, and I keep having flashbacks to my experiences in hospital. Of course all of this disappears as soon as I look at my son. My son. How wonderful to be able to write that.

Oh and yes, I did finally meet Mr. Lim! He was a very polite, unassuming, gentle, Chinese man. I know, how disappointing.

Be back soon, and thank you all so much again for all the comments and emails. xx

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