Saturday, 26 February 2005


It is indescribably wonderful to be home. After a week of hospital food, being poked and prodded, forced to share wards with a couple of absolute lunatics, cut open, drugged up, stuck with more needles, and dealing with some (very few, thankfully) downright miserable hags of midwives, I am now the happiest woman alive. As an added bonus, they sent me home with this rather cute little boy and a dashingly handsome man (he can cook!). Lucky girl, me.

Paul printed up all of your comments and emails for me while I was being held captive in hospital, and they truly did lift my spirits. Thank you all so much for your congratulations and kind words; they meant the world to me. Our mantle is full of cards, I have two beautiful bouquets of flowers (very kindly sent by Jack and Heather, and the Citrix gang), and Jack's even got some gifts to enjoy. Even though we are sleep deprived and still a little bit wobbly on our new parent legs, we are simply over the moon. I will write more on the baby blog about the Week From Hell soon, and will keep the majority of the baby stuff (e.g. anything related to new motherhood and hilarious tales of recovering from a c-section) over there to avoid this blog getting too Mumsy.

In the meantime, here are a couple of pictures I took of Jack this morning. Thank you all again - I can feel the love. No really, I'm not being sarcastic for once.

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