Tuesday, 8 February 2005

happier bunny

The hormones have now swung the other way and I am feeling better, although this huge-pregnant-everything-hurts phase is still kinda sucky. My lovely friend Susan invited me over for lunch yesterday (and has my utmost respect - she's 33 weeks pregnant and her boy is only 19 months old), and it was really good to have a natter about pregnancy woes and motherhood. Today, I pigged out on Chinese food with a few friends from work and had a good hug and gossipfest with the fabulous Emma who was visiting today from our other office. You cannot be grumpy when you're having a laugh and eating crispy duck. I also had my last pre-baby appointment with my osteopath and had a heavenly backrub for 30 minutes this afternoon. Next week I've booked an appointment with another of the health centre's therapists for a one hour pregnancy massage. Mmmmmmm yes.

I am still impatient and am still fed up with being uncomfortable all the time, but at least my spirit has been lifted. Hopefully all will go well at tomorrow's midwife appointment and this change in mood has kept my blood pressure down. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to stuff myself with blueberry pancakes in celebration of Shrove Tuesday. *urp*

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