Friday, 13 June 2003

wired on 450 g. of swiss chocolate

I didn't eat all 450g. on my own but I made an impressive dent in it, I must say. The fabulously fantastic Andy D. brought back very large bars of chocolate from his new gig in Switzerland. You could use them as either a hefty snack or a lethal weapon, depending on your mood. After myself and a few workmates pecked away at it, it finally disappeared around lunchtime today. A moment of silence, please. Diet, exercise, running, back into the routine this weekend, blah blah blah. Yeah, I'll get around to it. Whoa, I think I can feel my heart trying to leap out of my chest. Speaking of chocolate, the cheesecake was a massive hit. Paul has promised to love me forever if I make it again (although he did promise that to me before he had my cheesecake, I think now he means it with more vigour).

We're going sofa shopping this weekend, and I'm really looking forward to it. No, seriously, I am. Is that a bad sign?

Finally, a big huge mega supa doopa congratulations to Micky and Susan who greeted their new son yesterday at 8pm. Welcome to the world, Aidan Matthew! Most newborns look like Winston Churchill (after being in a bath for too long), but this kid is a cutie. Hooray, I'm excited 'cos I have an excuse to go buy baby things!

Is that a bad sign?

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