Wednesday, 11 June 2003

i should have called in sick

We moved desks at our office yesterday, which was a huge bucket of fun. Half the office played musical chairs as we fought over two trolleys, one lift, and tapped our feet waiting for previous desk owners to vacate. Tired, cranky, and sore, we decided to head to the pub for lunch. As I pulled in to the carpark, I heard a horrible scraping sound. Just below eye level, a wire-covered light bolted to the side of a post decided to snuggle up to the side of my car. Now it looks like Freddy Kruger is stalking me and left a calling card on my car. We got into the pub, ready for a nice lunch in the garden and ordered our drinks. A very nice lady informed us that the pub is under new management and they won't start the new menu until tomorrow. So this meant that not only had I scratched my car, I had scratched it for no good reason as we had to leave the pub and go somewhere else. Ah, how we laughed.

Excuse me while I fill my filing cabinet flask with something strong.

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