Wednesday 11 June 2003

what to do with all that stuff you impulsively bought on amazon and never read

This is for UK people only - sorry, non-Brit friends.

Green Metropolis is a site that allows you to sell your books online. It's all very clever, really. You enter in the book's ISBN number, put it up for sale, and they give you 3 quid for each book sold (you have to post the books to the buyers yourself, but the buyer pays for the postage). They sell the books for 3.75, and 5p from each sale goes to The Woodland Trust's Plant a Tree scheme. Now how cool is that? I am definitely going to list a bunch of books here. Even though I purged my massive book collection before I moved to the UK, I have amassed another kajillion books in the past 2 1/2 years. Do I want to move them all when we move house? Nooooooo. I think this is a fab solution, and a great idea if you just want to unload paperbacks ('cos 3 pounds isn't really that great if you're selling the 20 volume Oxford English Dictionary set).

Of course after we move, I'll probably come back to the site to buy a bunch of books. 3.75 for some of these books is a great price! What? Oh shush.

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