Tuesday, 23 August 2005

name calling

I think I was just as nervous as I was on our wedding day; maybe even more so. I paced around the hotel, making sure I hadn't forgotten anything (which is pretty much a given these days) and watching our guests arrive. Being the ultra hip family that we are (*cough*), I set up my iPod to play the introductory and closing music. As everyone found their seats, Lemon Jelly's "A Tune for Jack" played - which was probably only recognised by roughly four people, but everyone thought it was a lovely little ditty. The celebrant (or "the nice lady from the registry office" as I like to call her) said some opening words and asked us to step forward with Jack and state his name. We had decided to include an explanation about how we came up with Jack's name, which Paul delivered beautifully, emotionally. We read our promises to Jack, and Jack's supporting adults and grandparents also made promises to him. "Godfather" Russ and "Godmother" Gail each read a poem, and Heather played a gorgeous rendition of "Summertime" on the violin while we signed the certificate. As the ceremony came to an end, my trusty iPod played a song called "Crayon" by Manitoba (note the CanCon I managed to sneak in there).

It poured rain all day Friday and Saturday wasn't terribly wonderful either, but the sun shone brightly on us on Sunday. Jack fell asleep in his stroller and we parked him next to his mountain of presents, while we nibbled on dainty sandwiches and a decadently wonderful selection of cakes and scones. Jack was, unsurprisingly, the star of the show and happily snuggled into the arms of whoever wanted a cuddle.

Despite the odd looks we got when we said we were having a naming ceremony and the 40 times we heard "Do you realise how hard it is to find a 'Naming Day' card?!", everyone agreed that it was lovely ceremony. I'm so pleased that we had a special day in honour of Jack, and it fills me with pride to know that so many people love our little boy too.

(For more info about naming ceremonies, see http://www.civilceremonies.co.uk/naming.htm)

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