Thursday, 19 September 2002

happy birthday and meet the parents

Happy birthday to my gorgeous Kentish man! I love you - you are the best alarm clock ever. I am a very lucky girl indeed.

The restaurant was a success - a winning combination of good food and decent service in Cambridge. No, really! I had moules mariniere (mussels) to start, while Paul had lobster bisque, followed by grilled salmon for me and halibut with pesto for Paul. We ordered mustard and leek mashed potatoes to go with the meal (yummmmmy), plus Paul had a mixed salad, and I had steamed veggies. I decided that I had to have something made of chocolate (didn't really care what), so I went for the chocolate tart for dessert (oh yes yes yes) and my more refined boyfriend had a selection of cheeses with a glass of port. Dinner was accompanied by a lovely bottle of red wine, followed by more red wine at home.

The birthday bloke got his pressies this morning, which consisted of: the latest Tom Clancy book, The Simpsons season 2 on DVD, shirts from Roots (specially imported via Canadian Mom Post), and a set of brushed chrome containers for the kitchen (not very romantic, but he did like them anyway).

Tonight, we're heading over to Kent to Meet The Parents for a long weekend. I'll be meeting Paul's parents, his brother and sister in law, his cousin and her kids, and possibly his aunt and uncle. It'll really suck if they all end up hating me. I'm looking forward to it, but I am a tad nervous. As an added bonus, I'm coming down with a cold, which is just fantastic timing. "Mum, Dad - this is my girlfriend, Lisa". ssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnerrrrrk cough hack splutter "Sorry, I hab a code. Bice to beet you". Ewww.

So, that's it from me until Monday. Wish me luck and send me some vitamin C.

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