Monday, 28 April 2003

martha stewart could be lurking behind you with a glue gun

I went to the big craft shop in Northampton this weekend to get bra decorating items. Now there's something you don't do every day. I am not a craft shop kind of gal, so the idea of wandering around an enormous Hobbycraft on a Saturday didn't really appeal. I am telling you, there are craft related things I never knew existed but are damn handy should you ever need to build your own toys and holiday (or bra) decorations. Our team's theme for the Moonwalk is Middle Eastern/belly dancing. I kid you not. The woman heading up our team has recently taken up belly dancing and thought that would a good theme for the walk. I'd be a little more enthusiastic about this if I had a belly that looked more like Nathalie Portman's, rather than Nathalie from the Facts of Life (bless her - wonder what she's up to these days). At any rate, I managed to find loads of decorations, including a length of jangly coins on an elasticised thread. Did you know that there's special glue just for sticking beads, sequins, and jewels to fabric? No, really! Overall, the craft shop wasn't too traumatising, except for the doll parts section. It's a bit unsettling to see row upon row of baby bits in plastic bags, alongside shelves full of plastic eyes.

Along with the running we've been trying to fit in through the week, we've been going for long walks on the weekends. As painful as these walks are the day after, I've really enjoyed wandering around the countryside with Paul. We went on a lovely walk on Easter weekend with Harry the labrador doggie (belonging to Paul's brother and sister in law) around Kent, and went for a 3 1/2 hour trek around the countryside in Northamptonshire yesterday. Apart from the stinging nettle incident (I didn't know what they were and couldn't figure out why they were hurting me - little leafy bastards) and the hayfever, it really was good fun. We'll do one more walk this weekend, then it's my big night on the Friday after. Whee!

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