Friday 25 May 2007

i'm not like a bird

Nesting is a myth, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Or at least this is the case with me - I never had the "nesting instinct" with Jack and I'm certainly not feeling it now. There are a bazillion things I should be doing but I cannot find the motivation.

Here's my "to do" list:
-cook many things and put them in the freezer
-finish knitting the baby's blanket (only 50" to go fffttttt)
-pack a hospital bag
-set up Beanie's room and buy things for it
-move out of Beanie's room (okay, this one will be done next week)
-clear out all the clothes I never wear/will never fit into again and put them in the Oxfam box
-buy new baby feeding/changing items, other than the one pack of nappies and bag of cotton wool I've got already
-I probably should start stretching now
-do that yoga DVD that I attempted once this entire pregnancy
-get a haircut
-get a pedicure
-take Jack to see the planes at Duxford, Thomas at Nene Valley, and the animals at Wimpole Hall Farm
-have a pre-Canada Day BBQ
-buy something for Paul for Father's Day
-take several naps

I'm a big bird with no nest.

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