Wednesday 19 April 2006

in the jungle, the mighty jungle

Blog amnesia - I meant to write about our day at the Woburn Safari Park in Bedfordshire, but completely forgot to do so. I posted the picture of Jack in a bouncy castle at the park, but neglected to write about our day. Babies steal your brain cells; tell all of your friends.

First and foremost, I want to big up the park for providing healthy, organic food for babies and toddlers. They do have a standard chicken nugget and chips canteen-style menu, but they also sell organic meals for babies up to around two years, from purees to pasta dishes. We like that.

It was an expensive day out (£15 for adults, under 3's are free), but really good fun. The first part of our day was spent on the safari drive, looking at Canadian bears and wolves, lions, and the ubiquitous monkeys seen at safari parks worldwide (you know, the kind that rip your aerial off and poo on your car). After lunch, we did the safari walk and looked at elephants, sea lions, birds of prey, lemurs, marmosets, and my personal favourite, penguins. There is a huge "adventure ark" play centre that will be good for Jack when he's a bit older, the bouncy castles I mentioned, and several safari trails for little ones to climb and slide down. A train runs during certain times of the year, but unfortunately it wasn't running when we were there. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and I'm sure we'll be back several times over the next few years.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: having a kid is a great excuse to do fun stuff like this. Cadbury World and Legoland, here we come!

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