Friday 29 August 2003

1,000 words

I got an email recently from a chap called David who runs A Picture's Worth, where you can submit photos along with a bit of writing. From the About page:

"�A Picture's Worth� is a personal project that aims to highlight the inspiration that can arise from a photograph and to capture it in the form of words which in turn can reveal the true beauty of a photograph. Ultimately, the project seeks to inspire and enhance captivating story writing and beautiful photography.

In line with the idea that �a picture is worth a thousand words�, visitors are invited to share the memories, emotions or creative stories triggered by a photograph of personal significance. It is hoped that a new photo essay will be posted on the site daily."

It's an interesting, creative project that I think captures what I see on a lot of good blogs - photography with personal meaning (that also happens to be very well done) combined with excellent writing. Go take a look.

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