Wednesday, 13 October 2004

who the what now?

What day is it? What time zone am I in? What meal should I be eating right now? Do I have any clean clothes?

Hi. We're back. :)

A detailed trip diary will be posted soon along with the many pics I took, but in the meantime, a quick summary. Our flight over was really good - no turbulence and we managed to snag bulkhead seats. After a night in San Francisco (near the airport, so no sightseeing managed that evening), we flew down to San Diego and spent a lovely few days relaxing in La Jolla and shopping at various outlet malls. Then I got a cold. Boo hiss. Oh and the city decided to start tearing up the road outside out hotel room at 8pm for the duration of the night. Our room was vibrating, and not in a scintillating way; we had to move hotels for the duration of our stay. We flew back to SF, and United managed to lose my suitcase. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal except it contained our scan pictures and DVD, and my work permit to get me back into the UK - and they had no clue where it went. Stressed and very, very unhappy. Went to pick up the rental car, we had to switch it for some stupid reason, and in the fatigue and haste, left Paul's video camera in the trunk (we did get it back that evening). Arrived at the hotel to discover that they overbooked and didn't have a room for us. Sent us down the road to another hotel (a bit of a fleabag called the Good Nite Inn), where we got no sleep but had a yummy IHOP breakfast the following morning. Drove to Jenner, and settled into our rustic but comfy cottage/cabin room. Spent a very nice couple of days touring the coast and seal spotting. Unfortunately, most places are shut off season so we didn't get to try the River's End restaurant - but discovered two excellent restaurants in nearby Duncans Mills [sic]. The suitcase was finally delivered after much arguing from Paul (United claimed they couldn't deliver to Jenner and expected me to go another night without my suitcase). Drove to Santa Rosa and visited the Snoopy museum, which was really good fun. Arrived in Napa and restocked on some favourites and ate too much, enjoyed the sunshine and beautiful scenery in the Napa Valley. More shopping at Vacaville. Drove down to San Francisco to our very nice hotel, and had to cross a picket line to get inside (the hotel workers had gone on strike that week). Said picketers woke us up at 1.30 am with chanting and again at 6am, this time with a megaphone and shouting "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!". Not at all amused, but managed to get moved up to the 16th floor where it was far quieter. Visited Sausalito (very charming and pretty), revisited Sushi Rika (YUM), saw several airshows (it was fleet week), watched the sealions again, went to the Land of Chocolate (Ghiradelli Square), visited the California Academy of Science and aquarium (and found Nemo), wandered through the Metreon Center, and tried to find somewhere to eat on a Sunday night in the finance district. Flight home was slightly turbulent but managed to get bumped up after some complaining. Extremely jet lagged today and would very much like to eat something small and light for the next month or so. Particularly something that doesn't come slathered with mayonnaise or with fries.

Discoveries this trip: Americans no longer understand my accent (I had to repeat myself to everyone we spoke to), I don't think they make cinnamon TicTacs anymore, a flashing red light means you can proceed but must yield to oncoming traffic, being fat is not your fault and there are at least three different pills you can buy through TV ads to help you lose weight, John McEnroe and Ellen Degeneres have talk shows, and "Shaun of the Dead" has just arrived in cinemas and has been getting good reviews (I never thought that one would make it across the pond).

The baby blog has been updated with scan pics, and I will update the travel pages with honeymoon pics and stories at some point soon. So very tired. Must finish laundry now. Ungh.

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