Friday, 25 July 2003

roughing it

I'm not the poshest girl in town, but I do need certain creature comforts. An indoor toilet, running water, electricity, stuff like that. Having to spend the last 2 1/2 weeks without major kitchen appliances is starting to get to me. I don't want to come across all snobby like, "Oh it was SO awful. I had to order the foie gras because they ran out of caviar. Tsk!" but man alive...I don't think I can eat another microwaved dinner. I have been through the Tesco Healthy Eating range and have dipped my toes into Sainsbury's Better for You meals. (Not literally, that would be gross.) If we lived close to a Marks and Spencer, I'd be fairly happy eating their ready meals every night - they're fab. We did the takeaway/pub meal thing for the first week and although it was fun for a few days, it does get a bit much. I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with decent meals you can make that only involve a kettle, toaster, and microwave. So far, the most creative idea I had was fresh pasta (boiled in the microwave) with a prepared sauce, added some precooked grilled chicken and steamed rocket (arugula), and served it with bruschetta (toasted ciabatta rolls topped with fresh tomatoes, basil, a squeeze of lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper, and rubbed with garlic). Help me. I need to eat something that doesn't come in a small tray covered in clear plastic film.

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