Thursday 27 May 2004

radio gaga

Sorry for making you all think that yesterday was Thursday. Hopefully you're not all excited about it being Friday today 'cos it isn't. Sorry 'bout that.

I am feeling a bit self conscious about this spam I received today:

"You don't know it, but you're incompetent"

I miss the days when spammers were simply offering me cheap Viagra and to get me out of debt.

Now, on to the main reason of this post. A friend of mine is going to be hosting a radio show at a local hospital. What we need from you, clever readers, are nominations for the most inappropriate (or appropriate, depending on your view) songs to play. So far we've got: "Girlfriend in a Coma" and "The Drugs Don't Work".

Answers on a postcard (or in the comments), please.

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