Monday, 4 November 2002

number one in the under 7 demographic

I had a fantastic weekend in Kent, meeting the rest of the boyfriend's clan (must go to California to meet the American side - damn, what a shame) and enjoyed ourselves despite the weather. "How English", everyone said as we stood under umbrellas with our sparklers and set off fireworks in the pouring rain. We dried ourselves off and had a lovely dinner, and Paul's nieces ran around with my digital camera and took a billion pictures (here's one of me taken by 4 year old Polly, which explains why it's a shot from the ground up). I loved these girls, and for some bizarre reason, I was a big hit with them as well. Honestly, kids usually don't really seem too bothered with me, but this time I had two nieces fighting over my lap space and acting as my bookends the entire weekend. Here is a picture of Polly, her sister (and Paul's goddaughter) Grace, and Harry the dog (belonging to Paul's oldest brother Andrew and his wife Gabi) in a quiet moment after dinner. The next day, we went out for a lovely Sunday lunch to a fantastic pub a few miles away. This was the big "meet the family" event, as I got acquainted with another dozen or so of Paul's relatives - all of them extremely nice and fun. Here's Andrew, Polly, and me at lunch - what a little impish smile (and I don't mean Andrew)! A tiring but very enjoyable weekend, probably a little more tiring for Paul who had to fend off two sisters-in-law demanding to know if they need to buy new hats yet.

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