Tuesday, 22 March 2005

time flies

Jack is one month old today - holy macaroni. I cannot believe how quickly this month has gone by. On the other hand, being pregnant feels like a lifetime ago and my week in hospital is a distant memory (thankfully). I'm still writing my birth story, but it's close to completion and should be posted soon. We are feeling a bit more adept at this parenting thing and, touch wood, I am starting to feel like it's getting slightly easier. I think I've even got the hang of breastfeeding now (this is on my list of "Baby Things Nobody Tells You About" - breastfeeding is NOT an easy feat for everyone by any stretch of the imagination). We're not really used to the lack of sleep, but at least Jack hasn't screamed his way through the wee hours for a couple of weeks now. We've ventured out of the house a few times and I'm feeling more human by the day. I'm still a bit feeble (oh how I wish I could drive) but much more mobile than before. Dare I say it, life is starting to feel normal again.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to listen to a piece of advice almost every mother has passed along to me: sleep while the baby sleeps. Mmmmm afternoon catnaps.

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