Thursday, 29 May 2003

aaaand we're back

Did you miss us? Photos, stories, all the dirt - coming soon!

Okay, a quick summary for you in the meantime:

  • La Jolla is gorgeous. The San Diego area has lots of outlet malls. We now have lots of new clothes and shoes.

  • Vegas is such a blast, but can only really be tolerated for about 2 days. I didn't find Celine to give her a wedgie. Sorry, folks.

  • We drove through the Sierra Nevada - how very cool that was.

  • Napa: excellent food, fantastic wine, wonderfully friendly people at the wineries, and absolutely beautiful scenery. Would go there again for a longer time in future.

  • San Fransciso was foggy and cold, but fun! We had the best Japanese meal ever.

  • L.A. isn't really anything spectacular, and the people there are just as bizarre as you'd imagine. Universal Studios was a riot, though. The new Shrek ride rocked.

  • We're both extremely jet lagged and grossed out by two weeks of eating American-sized portions of restaurant food. Not complaining, though - I freely admit that I was happily enjoying meals at IHOP and Red Lobster.

Lots of pics and tales coming very soon. Need to sleep now...

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