Monday, 23 March 2009

Sous chef

Yesterday was Mother's Day in the UK, and I had a lovely, lovely day. It started with some extra sleep (I got out of bed at 8:15 as opposed to 6:30 as usual) followed by cards and breakfast. Jack insisted that I have my breakfast on a tray in bed, but I didn't want to sit up in the bedroom by myself while Paul and Jack whipped it up so I came downstairs. When breakfast was ready, he came into the living room and declared "Breakfast is served!" I burst out laughing and was informed that "It's NOT FUNNY, mummy." Breakfast is a very serious business indeed. I said to Jack "Want to come upstairs with mummy to eat breakfast?" Jack said, "No, I'm watching Nick Jr." Ah, okay then.

We took the kids swimming, which was very relaxing as the pool wasn't nearly as crowded as usual. It's was lovely to splash around with the kids, making them giggle as I pushed them across the pool on a floating horsie. The afternoon was fairly quiet, which made a nice change from the hectic weekends we've had lately. For supper, Paul made me a gorgeous filet steak with potatoes and broccoli. We clinked wine glasses and I watched my trashy telly ("Dancing on Ice" - it was the finale, you know.) A very fantastic end to a wonderful day.

I hope all of you mummies had an equally wonderful day!

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