Sunday, 27 January 2008

i'm so easily amused

I'm so excited! I got some great advice from both The Nappy Lady and an advisor at Babykind, and of course I also received all kinds of great mummy advice after my last post (thank you!) I decided to hire a variety of nappies from Babykind based on all of this advice. It's such a fantastic concept - the hire fee will be deducted from the total cost of any nappies I decide to buy, so the hire is essentially free.

This week, a nice lady in Devon will be sending me:
2 x Tots Bots original applix fastening
2 x Tots Bots original nippa fastening
2 x Bumbles popper fastening
2 x Bumbles nippa fastening
2 x Motherease One Size
2 x Fuzzi Bunz

She advised that I try both the applix and Nappy Nippa fasteners to see how I get on with both. I will also get free boosters, liners, and a bag to hold dirty nappies. Whee!

Of course this does mean that if I do go the cloth nappy route, I will need to buy more clothes for Mia because the 3-6 month bodysuits, trousers, and sleepsuits definitely won't fit. Darn. What a shame. *cough*

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