Thursday 5 December 2002

convergys sucks

It really does (and I am so proud that "convergys sucks" is still the number one search string that leads to this site). Convergys announced today that it will make 950 employees redundant worldwide. 19 of those employees will be people from my old office in Cambridge, and I'm guessing around the same amount from the office next door to Citrix in Cambourne. I don't want anyone to lose their job (not even my pointy-haired ex-boss), but I especially do not want to see any of my mates join the unemployment line. According to their web site, Convergys are "finalizing a restructuring plan that will streamline its operations and cost structure while strengthening its prospects for long term growth". Now how utterly wanky is that?

A few of us went out for drinks and noodles last night for a pre-Xmas get together before we fly to Toronto. A good time was had by all, especially those who were drinking several assorted cocktails (the sight of a bunch of guys drinking creamy/coconutty/chocolatey beverages is really amusing). A big huge congratulations to Micky and Susan, who are expecting their first sprog in June. Way to impregnate your wife, Micky! For some reason, Chris was very insistant that Jack should get Heather pregnant and Paul and I should get married. That probably had a lot to do with the cocktails and some sort of vicarious living through others syndrome. Bless.

It's our office Christmas dinner shindig tomorrow night, and although I couldn't find a suitable frock that didn't make me look like a circus tent, I did manage to find half an outfit I could match with a skirt I bought for New Year's last year (and didn't wear 'cos I didn't go out). No one in Test is going (except for Paul, I think), which kind of sucks. I like the test guys the bestest. :( Piccies to follow if a) I remember to bring my camera and b) I get around to downloading them off my camera.

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