Monday, 7 June 2010

i've only just begun

I get incredibly enthusiastic about all sorts of things. I discover a hobby or come up with ideas that will make my life more organised, thrilling, and infinitely more interesting. I am fantastic at starting projects; I'm rubbish at actually completing any.

I am going to name and shame all of the unfinished business in my life at this point in time, with the hope that it will motivate me to get everything most of it something done. Eventually.

  • Training for a 5k in July.
  • Four knitting projects, one of which was started when I was pregnant with Mia.
  • Sewing projects: a banner for Jack's swimming badges and bibs for Isla. Should probably learn how to sew first. Good thing I bought all those "Learn to Sew" books that are sitting unopened on my overcrowded bookshelf. Which leads me to...
  • the stack of books on my nightstand and bookshelf.
  • Lose the two stone I've been meaning to lose for about, oh, 7 years now.
  • Project Declutter: may require a skip/dumpster. Or three.
  • Finish the scrapbooks I started for the kids. Make that, finish Mia's, start Jack and Isla's.
  • Do something with that belly cast from my Isla bump. I've got great ideas for it and all the materials. That's a start, right?
  • Construct bird-proof cages for my vegetable plants. I was going to start that this morning, but then I decided that sitting on the sofa with a latte sounded a little nicer.
  • Laundry. See above.
  • Sort out the garden. Specifically, dig up the weed-infested rockery. Am considering starting a new trend: Concrete Garden Hills.
  • Watch and review several DVDs for Think Parents.
  • Similarly, write up the California trip blog posts that are still sitting in draft form.
  • Do something about the freelance journalism idea. Like, maybe, WRITE SOMETHING?

Was that supposed to make me feel better? My tummy hurts now. I'd better make another latte.


Lisa said...

Welcome back :)

Mrs Dee said...

Thanks! Really need to get back into blogging. *sigh*

Mum said...

bird proof cage = get some flexi cane balls,, long canes and some good netting! worked a treat to protect my vegie stuff from the birds.
see Frosts for the flexi balls and netting!

laputain said...

i'm with you lisa, but if you can get back into blogging with a break since march, then I can get back with a break since april. Go me. Go us! We can do this!