Monday 16 February 2009

big scan, big relief

I've been nervous and stressed for days now. I always get this way before the 20 week scan, because this is the point at which they'll be able to see if something's seriously wrong for the first time. Normally at this point we'd also be finding out the sex, but we're keeping it a surprise this time. And frankly, I simply didn't care - I just wanted to see a healthy baby in there.

The morning started off splendidly when Mia threw up in abundance all over herself and myself. Just as we were getting ready to drop the kids off and go to the hospital for the scan. Hurrah. With only minutes to figure out what on earth to do (and no spare time to call a friend and wait for them to come over), we decided that Paul would stay here while I went to have the scan on my own. It was very, very odd to go to a scan on my own and I didn't much like it. I had such a bad feeling about things, mostly because of how the morning was going. But then things looked up, starting with Good Parking Karma. A nice lady passed me her parking voucher which still had two hours left, saving me £2.60 in extortionate hospital parking fees. Paul always passes our tickets along if there's time left, so Good Parking Karma has finally returned to us. I was first in for a scan, so I had only a short wait with a cup of tea.

The scan went brilliantly and all parts are present and accounted for. My placenta is definitely posterior and high, which is a very good thing. I stressed that I didn't want to know the baby's sex, and I can definitely say that I'm more confused about this topic than I was going in. I keep wavering, and it's not being helped by a distinct lack of visible bits when she measured the femur and the fact that she once referred to the baby as a "he" then quickly reverted to "it". Then at my midwife appointment today, the heart rate was 130-140 (boy, according to the old wives.) So anyway, it's still a surprise and I'm still very happy with that. Incidentally, it probably would have been difficult to see the baby's bits because s/he had the legs tightly crossed the whole scan and had a hand in front of the bladder.

It was very odd to be at a scan without Paul. The sonographer asked if I had anyone with me, and it was weird to say no. We are planning on doing a 3D scan later on, so at least Paul will get to see Minty again then.

And now for some photos!

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